Paolo Fresu


The brand new project by PAOLO FRESU for celebrating his 40-year-old QUINTET, his 20-year-old DEVIL 4ET and his 22-year-old DUO with URI CAINE.
3 CD Box Set or 3 LP Box Set with totally different tracklists.


When the roots are deep there is no reason to fear the wind.
Quando le radici sono profonde non c’è motivo di temere il vento.
African Proverb

Short stories of one’s life are a difficult improvisation.
Le brevi storie della propria vita sono un’improvvisazione difficile.
Ezra Pound

Improvisation is the law of history.
L'improvvisazione è la legge della storia.
Giuseppe Prezzolini

Composition is just improvisation slowed down.
[La composizione è un'improvvisazione rallentata.]
Wayne Shorter

Cambia le tue opinioni, ma conserva i tuoi principi. Ricambia le tue foglie, ma mantieni intatte le tue radici.
Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.
Victor Hugo


€ 45 CD / € 65 VINYL
(shipping included)

    Artists on this album

    Cover artist

    Liz Nielsen
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